About Jann Baker
Shamanic Healing Technique 2
Reiki Master
Certified Yoga Instructor RYT200
What I do and believe ...
I believe in Energy. I believe that there is more unseen than seen. We are made of energy. Everything is. You can feel it. You can touch it. It is the key to which everything works. I believe that by being mindful and good stewards of this energy we can change our life, our circumstances and our health.
I am inspired by sound healing and a large part of my practice includes crystal singing bowls, tuning forks and tones designed to tune the chakras.
How I got here ...
In 2009, my brother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Wanting to ease his pain and not knowing what else to do I began laying hands on him and praying. This always made him feel better. He was the first person to tell me I had "healing hands". It is because of him, that after he passed away, I sought out to be a Reiki practitioner and healer. It is my great desire to help people in any healing way that I can.
On my path to being a healer I found myself drawn to the beautiful relationship Native Americans have with Spirit and am currently studying Shamanism under Shane Knox. I can tell you that I have never felt closer to God. I have found God everywhere that I look. How could I not, He's everywhere, in everything, in everyone, in me.
Me and Yoga ...
I started my Yoga practice in 2012 with the opening of Sage Studio and it changed my whole life. It has given me peace of mind. It has made me strong. It has made me flexible in my mind as well as my body. It slows me down. Gives me time to think and speaks to me about making good decisions in my life.
In October of 2018 I decided I wanted to dig into the deeper teachings of yoga and began training with Shane Knox for my yoga teacher certification with Yoga Alliance. There I learned about svadhyaya or self study, and I realized this is the essence of yoga. It creates continual opportunities to learn more about yourself, to find out who you really are and burn away those parts that aren't you.
Om! Shanti, Shanti, Shanti